Tuesday 27 September 2011

Loch Leven and Eilean Munde

It was the Glasgow September weekend and we made for Bunree Caravan site on the banks of Loch Linnhe, just a few hundred yards from the Corran narrows.  Last time we were here it rained non stop ......and this time, well, it did more or less the same.  Maybe just a wee bit drier.

I had hoped to get some kayaking in on the loch but the winds put paid to that.  Instead I headed for the more sheltered waters of Loch Leven for a short paddle from the North shore over to Eilean Munde, the River Coe and back via Aird Eachainn.

Starting out it was fairly calm then, wham, the full force of a squall heading up the loch hit me.  I took the opportunity to take shelter on the island and do a bit of exploring.  The island is effectively one big graveyard being the burial ground of the Stewarts of Ballachulish, the MacDonalds of Glencoe and the Camerons of Callart - it also contains the ivy covered ruins of St Munn's church.

The slate headstones sticking up through the long grass, some on raised platforms, gives the island a really eerie feeling - particularly in the pouring rain.

The rest of the trip was a pleasant paddle on now perfectly calm water with great views of the sun setting over the Ardgour hills!  Oh, and plenty wildlife about including seals and herons around the islands.