Saturday 29 September 2012

Loch Lomond - End to End Swim

The Water Rats swim relay down Loch Lomond was held on a day of blustery conditions.  Water temperature, at 11 degrees wasn't too great either.

The start of the relay was particularly difficult as strong northerly wins blew down the loch whipping up waves and sometimes even small tornadoes!  The first swimmer (Alan) was in the water at Ardlui by 7am and we finished just after 6pm at Balloch. The top section of the loch was done by solo swimmers doing one hour stints - as we got further down pairs and eventually groups entered the water for half hour shifts.

At Balloch, when Gordon and Julie stepped out of the water there must have been ten in the loch. All in all it was a fantastic day of energetic pursuits and camaraderie - all done in memory of Gordon and Julie's wee boy Adam.We were well supported on the water by the Loch Lomond water rangers and Michael in his nice new cruiser, with many others beavering away in the background.

I had brought my kayak and had planned to paddle a fair bit of the route.  I put in at Inveruglas just after 7 am and made my way up the loch.    It was very difficult going with strong squalls often bringing me to a halt but I eventually met up with the support boats at Ardvorlich.  Given the conditions I decided to paddle back down to Inveruglas and get onto the support boat there.  After a small incident where my kayak blew off the pier and I nearly lost the contents of my dry bag (including wallet) I decided it was safer to paddle out to the boat and get on board there.  With the kayak safely stowed I entered the water for my swim at 10am - water was cold but bearable, although I never fully warmed up and my legs were often on the verge of cramp.  With the waves making sighting and sometimes breathing difficult I was pretty happy when my shift was over and I was pulled into the rangers' boat.

After that I enjoyed the trip down the loch watching the various swimmers and helping them in and out of the boat.  By the time we reached Luss the water was starting to calm down a bit so I put the kayak in the water and from there on helped to guide the swimmers and warn off marauding speed boaters.  After the shelter of the islands the wind and chop picked up again making the trip south pretty hard work  Three and a half hours in the kayak with no food and drink meant I came out with a raging hunger and thirst.

This was sated at  'The Carrick'  where Gordon's and Lynnsey's mums had laid on a spread.  Home by 10.30pm and a Sunday of tired and aching limbs.

All in it was a fantastic journey from the dark enclosed and windswept northern loch to the open greener south - with a host of great people coming and going along the route.

Click here for John Dyer's photo chronicle of the day's events.

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