Tuesday 17 July 2012

Loch Gairloch and Eilean Horrisdale Kayak

The map calls it Loch Gairloch so that's what I'll call it - even though the double 'loch' seems unnecessary.  Setting off from Sands slipway I followed the coast around to the head of the loch, stopping at the golden sandy beach at the golf course for a wee rest.  I'd been along the N shore several times before and was well used to the low crags and rocky coastline - pleasant enough.  From here the coast increases in interest with low cliff plunging directly into the sea and lots to gaze at in the deep seaweed filled waters.  After rounding the An Ard peninsula I made straight for Rubha nan Eanntag, cutting out Gairloch Pier and Loch Kerry, where the 'glass bottomed' tour boat was pottering about under the crags.  From there  I rounded Eilean an t-Sabhail at the mouth of Loch Shieldaig.  A nice wee corner this with wooded shores and craggy coasts - the island itself hosted a tern colony, with its occupants intent on keeping the marauding gulls at bay. Closely following the shore from here under the low crags and rocks I made my way to Eilean Horrisdale through the narrows at Na Dunain.  The coast along here looked like prime otter and seal territory and I kept my eyes peeled for them all the way.  Apart from a few herons and the other usual birdlife nothing was showing.

I stopped on the island close to Tigh Ghobain with a good view cross to the busy bay at Badachro.  I had my camera ready when I heard russling in the bracken nearly, after a few minutes of moving bracken a troop of geese emerged into the foreshore.  Rounding the W coast of the island views over to Longa and along towards Port Henderson opened up.

 The sea was calm so I pottered about the low rounded coastal rocks and inlets until Camas Ruadh where I cut across to the small rocky islet of Glas Eilean about a km away.  This was gull city and most of the population made their presence known as I approached. From there another km,  and a seal encounter, took me to Gairloch beach again for a short stop before making my way along the N shore of the loch back to  Sands slipway - where I had the pleasant surprise of seeing Linda on the beach, perfect timing!

Weather: A nice day with a light wind from the NW.

Wildlife: Gulls, terns, geese (type?), herons, seal (type?)

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