Monday 9 July 2012

Gairloch - Lochs Kerry and Shieldaig

We are up at Big Sand near Gairloch for Summer holidays.   Since arriving a couple of days ago we've had a strong northerly wind, a bit of rain and generally dreich weather so we haven't really been inspired to get out.   Today broke dry and sunny, although still with a strong northerly wind.  Linda was up for a kayak so we made for the pier in Gairloch hoping that the bays there would be fairly sheltered. Calm enough at the pier but the wind was creating some decent waves further out.  We kept close to the shore and made for Loch Kerry.  As we left the harbour bay Linda found the left turn towards the loch a bit problematic and propelled by the following wind she proceeded straight on.  After a wee loop in the shelter of the pier wall we managed to turn into Loch Kerry.

Calm seas and pine trees down to the pink rocked water's edge made for pleasant paddling.   We followed the coast along to the entrance to Loch Shieldaig where the wind was picking up and blowing waves straight into the loch. 

We should have turned left into the loch but again Linda's left turn didn't work and we continued straight on into choppy seas.  We rafted up for a wee while but the wind simply kept blowing us further out into the bay.  We separated and all of a sudden Linda found her left turn. Pushed on by a following sea she was rattling into Loch Shieldaig, intent on landfall.

 As we'd previously agreed Linda beached near the road at the Shieldaig Hotel and I then made back for the car.  The wind had picked up and I encountered some decent sized waves as well as strong gusts of wind.  Cutting a few corners I was back at the car in 40 minutes and with Linda in under an hour.  Rest and recovery was at the Badachro Inn.

Map and Garmin trace.

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